'In the EU's rush to appease progressive ideologies the safety of women and children is dangerously compromised' - Sally-Ann Hart

​Sally-Ann Hart and European flags in front of headquarters of European commission in Brussels

"It’s no wonder that more Europeans are now rejecting the cultural destruction being imposed on them," says Sally-Ann Hart

GB News/ Getty
Sally-Ann Hart

By Sally-Ann Hart

Published: 12/10/2024

- 06:00

Sally-Ann Hart was the Conservative MP for Hastings and Rye from 2019 to 2024

I was in Strasbourg last week, my final duty as a Conservative MP as part of the UK. Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CofE).

As I sat through, and spoke, in several debates, it was clear to me why populism is winning across the EU and the European continent. The CofE’s agendas and resolutions are driven by its predominantly left-leaning members who increasingly do not reflect the values and sentiments of Europeans.

I was incensed, along with European conservative colleagues, with CofE reports and resolutions prioritising contentious views on controversial issues such as gender identity, prostitution and LBQ+ rights.

One advocated not only for the rights and decriminalisation of sex workers, but also for the decriminalisation of buying sexual acts and all forms of procuring.

Such policies normalise behaviours that contribute to the rising abuse of women, a deeply concerning trend. Another draft resolution advocated for the explicit inclusion of transgender women as LBQ women and the teaching of gender diversity in schools, undermining the rights of biological women and children.

In their rush to appease progressive ideologies, the safety of women and children has been dangerously compromised. Moral decay has been allowed to spread under the guise of progress, creating a dangerous environment where protecting vulnerable citizens is secondary.

It’s no wonder that more Europeans are now rejecting the cultural destruction being imposed on them.

A fierce backlash against the erosion of traditional values and family structures has fuelled the rise of populism; Europeans feel that elites are imposing progressive ideologies that threaten traditional family values.

The economic toll has been equally catastrophic. Elites enjoy the benefits of globalisation, leaving working-class communities behind. Job outsourcing and industrial decline strip away opportunities, leaving people struggling to make ends meet in the face of rising costs.

While Brussels and national governments focus on superficial issues, ordinary citizens face economic hardships, stagnating wages and rising costs.

Today, one of the greatest pressures on Europe is mass immigration. Unchecked migration has heightened fears over national security, stretched public services, and caused social unrest.

The liberal elite, consumed by their open-borders agenda, have allowed waves of immigrants to disrupt communities, damaging the social fabric that once held nations together. British public services have been stretched beyond capacity, driving resentment.


Populist leaders like Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni position themselves as defenders of national sovereignty and the people’s voice against out-of-touch elites and EU overreach. Their message resonates because they speak for the people—the very people who have been ignored and abandoned for too long.

But it’s not just about frustration—there is a solution: restore British sovereignty and reassert our national values. We must protect our borders and defend the cultural and traditional values that have made our country strong.

As Conservatives, we cannot stand by while our values are trampled on by a political class more interested in appeasing the EU and liberal elites than in protecting the British people.

Inaction is no longer an option. The time for change is now. We must demand leaders who are willing to take the bold steps necessary to secure our borders, protect our national identity, and restore pride in our culture.

The British people deserve nothing less than leaders who will prioritise their interests over the destructive agenda of the globalist elites. Populism is not a fringe movement. It is a powerful response to years of neglect and broken promises.

It’s time for the establishment to face the consequences and for the Conservative Party to step forward with strong leadership.

Only then can we restore the values, security, and prosperity that our country so desperately needs.

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